Well, let’s see if we can keep this up to date this time.
Camp has been getting ready and is already ahead of schedule. We re-floored the diving board platform on diving dock last weekend. The new platform is solid as a rock and looks wonderful. For those of you who have been paying attention, this makes all 3 docks to have gotten a facelift in the last 3 (?) years. Last year was Floating’s turn and the year before was Mud Turtle.
Camp was able to drain the lake this winter and the problems fixed, so we should be able to make draining the lake a regular occurrence every winter. This helps keep the lake and the streams feeding it clean, and allows us to clear out the brush around the edge of the lake.
Most of the rest of the stuff has been boring, traditional maintenance. Painting here, fixing there, the never ending job of keeping Camp Dixie looking and working great.
I’d like to point out that the majority of this work is done by Miss Ann and Rhonda, with a little help from Nicola and myself. The amount of work they do getting ready for Camp is incredible, and few people realize just how much work it is. Give ’em a hug next time you see them.